text: ebba lundberg
illustration: ebba lundberg
Feng Shui is an interior design method that focuses on different energy flows. The method is about balancing and harmonising the environment we are in, which creates positive effects in our lives. The thousand-year-old practice is both well-proven and applied by many. Below we have listed practical tips on how to create a home in harmony based on the Feng Shui method.
Colouring is important to create an overall aesthetic feeling. Feel free to use a colour scale that goes tone-on-tone when colouring your home. To break away from the more neutral colour tones and add a personal touch to your home, you can add accent colours. The home then becomes more interesting and calming. Pink and orange are examples of accent colours in Feng Shui that exude calm and harmony. However, the colours can be experienced as overwhelming if they are used in abundance. Therefore, let the accent colours emerge through the details in the home, such as fabrics or interior details.
Light sources set the tone and can change the mood of an entire room. Most often, three different terms are spoken of in lighting: general lighting, accent lighting and spot lighting. Good general lighting forms the basis and aims to spread even lighting in the room. This can easily be achieved by installing ceiling lights or upward facing lights. However, general lighting is not sufficient to set the overall expression. Through the right accent light and spot lighting, you cover all the room's functions and create an overall feeling that exudes calm and comfort in pure Feng Shui spirit. Table lamps are an example of accent lighting. It becomes both more pleasant and more fun for the eye when you work with lighting at different levels. To further enhance the room's functions, spot lighting can be an option. With the help of spotlights, it is possible to both create space and highlight details in the home, for example a painting.
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