Text: Viktor Gustafsson
Photo: Olof Händén
Acquiring linen shirt can be one of the best choices you make when it comes to investing in garments, but there can be a risk of getting lost in the jungle of linen shirts available during the summer months. Striped, short-sleeved, popover, neon coloured ... We look into which one to choose and for which occasion. Below, we take a closer look at three models that can withstand a little extra creasing.
Read more: Five linen shirts for summer
If you want to add a twist to your linen shirt choice, choosing striped models over solid colors is always nice. These stand out just enough, without being overpowering. With a pair of solid-colored linen trousers and midnight blue canvas sneakers, you have a look that works for lunch and hanging out in the park. Ireland’s Inis Meain sweater is a great addition to chilly summer evenings. The blue tones in this look are subtle throughout, despite the stripes on the shirt.
The popover shirt, is considered a very casual shirt where the half buttoning makes it easy to put on and quick to button. In the past, this type of model was very common and considered one of the more formal models. Throughout the 1960s, GANT became one of the first companies to manufacture shirts in a variety of materials and colours with more casual designs. The shirt then gained popularity and today most shirt manufacturers have a popover in their range. The shirt is perfect to wear at the beach, but still feel like you do not want to be too casual with a t-shirt. Keep in mind that it does not matter if the shirt gets wrinkled in your bag after a day at the beach. It simply adds a casual feel where the wrinkles often mold themselves over time to the wearer's body.
Tip! The shirt also works very well with a casual linen or cotton suit if you want a dressy style.
When you think of linen shirts, you usually think of the breathable, thin material and the casual shirt style worn in the summer. Italy’s Mazzarelli offers a dressier version of the linen shirt. This model is perfectly paired with a suit or blazer on hot summer days. The shirt gives you the same dressy and fitted cut as a regular office shirt but with superior breathability. A stylish choice for the summer's outdoor cafes and parties.
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